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Monday, 26 March 2018


Hi korang,

Today I nak share about ACCA part-time under Yayasan Peneraju (MyPaC), to those yang interested nak continue ACCA sambil kerja boleh lah kot apply ni. Aku tak ingat aku apply bulan berapa (last year), aku apply je masa dia opening tu. Anyone yang nak apply tu, selalulah pergi website Yayasan Peneraju okay.

So, apa yang aku apply ialah Peneraju Professional Pensijilan Perakaunan (PPPP), Intake dia tak silap aku 2 kali setahun je.

Aku nak share pengalaman aku apply ni je,

Aku apply dalam bulan 7 or 8 last year kot. aku pun tak ingat dah. Nak apply senang je, kau  masuk website peneraju dan isi form je kau nak apply. Aku dh lama sebenarnya nak apply tp syarat nk apply ni kau kena ad permanent job (bukan contract and bukan under probation). So aku apply lah suka2.

Then after that, dapat email for interview. Ohh aku apply dkt KDU College (nnty masa kau isi form tu dia bg list kau nak pilih mana, lagi satu dkt SUNWAY kot). So aku pergilah interview, ramai jugak lah masa ni. Mula2 dia bagi briefing apa semua dlu pasal program ni, then after that baru interview, interview ni aku rasa simple je dan kejap je, first time ak yakin aku pass interview hahaha sebab aku borak2 je dgn interviewer tu masa ni. Ada 2 org yg interview aku. Dorang just tanya kenapa apply ni, cmne cara aku study dlu (yakinnya aku bgtaw I never study last minute, hahahah walaupun ak mmg selalu stdy last minute.), boleh ke nk bagi masa kerja dgn study smua ni, boleh ke dtg kelas lepas kerja kalau ada dn mcm2 lagi lah, tp byk pada berbual je aku rasa, dia xde tanya soalan pelik2 pun.

Okay then abis interview tu, tnggu dlm seminggu ke 2 mggu ke, dia akan email samada kita pass or tak interview tu. Memandangkan aku yakin yg ak lps iv tu, so mmg lps lah, huhuhu. So next , dia invite for technical assmnt. Hmm soalan dia ak langsung xleh jawab. hahahha, aku igt dia soh jwb mcm english test ke math test, tp sekali dia bagi article and jwb soalan, ak rasa soalan tu pasal economy kot, dia soh bg explanation ikut theory apa tah, aku hentam je jawab tu sbb aku mmg tak taw pape, hahhahah

tapi luckily after a week, peneraju anta email bgtaw aku pass assmnt tu, hahahhaha. aku pun pelik kenapa pass.. okay baru second stage tu. okay last stagee, jeng jeng jeng, yang ni paling penat, aku kena attend Career Development programme (CDP), about one month kot, kena pegi kelas sbln tu on weekend, kelas dari 10 pagi sampai 5 petangg, so tireddd wehhh..company ak jenis yg mmg kene keje sabtu, and nasib baik CDP dia buat tu jatuh ari ahad. ada lah jugak one week tu yg sabty ahad ad kelas, seriuss penat weh.

Okay, nak taw CDP ni belajar apa? Kita belajar balik taw, diorang ckp sama mcm paper F7, tp sbb ak xamik CAT, so ak xtaw lah F7 tu paper apa.. basically kena belajar balik smua standard2 ifrs smua tu. byak jugak lah kena cover dalam sebulan tuuu, and after that, of course lah ada exam. exam tu last stage utk samada kau dpt ke tak peneraju ni. Masa kena stdy nk exam ni, serius ak mcm nak give up dah. mls do nak stdy lagi keje lagi, tp pikir sbb ak dh penat pegi kelas tu on weekend, so ak stdy lah jgk skit. Batch kitorang ni, dia punya syarat kau kena lulus exam CDP tu dgn 50 marks above. kau dpt 50m, dia soh kau amik paper P2, and let say kau below 50m, dia soh amk P6 dlu, tp after that kena attend balik cdp tu .(Sebab masa ni ACCA nak tukat format paper ke SBR SBL tu, so dia taknak bagi amik P1, tu terus amik P2 or P6 dulu)

So aku? Alhamdulilah pass nk amik P2, dan dh start dah pun Jan 2018 artu. Tapi aku still pemalas jugak nak study betul2, hahaha dhla exam bulan 6 ni.

Okay tu je, byeee

hmmm silakan baca ni okay (Ni aku amik dari website dia je)

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 
Peneraju Profesional Pensijilan Perakaunan (PPPP) 


1. What is the programme about? What does it aim to achieve? 

This programme aims to increase the number of Bumiputera who wish to advance in their careers through professional accounting certification.

 2. Who is the programme for? 

This programme is open to Bumiputera working adults and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or related field. The current work experience should match the certificate that the person will undertake in order to acquire the certification. The entry requirements are as below:

 1. Malaysian Bumiputera 
2. No older than 40 years of age on application closing date 
3. Degree in Accounting or related fields with a minimum CGPA of 2.80 
4. ACCA - Obtain a minimum exemption of 7 modules from ACCA (9 modules)* CPA Australia - For professional level only (6 modules)* 
5. Applicants from non-local university (result other than CGPA) may also be considered 6. Confirmed employment 

3. Which professional accounting certification would I be able to pursue under this programme? 

This programme gives you the opportunity to obtain one of the following professional accounting certificates; Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or Certified Practising Accountant Australia (CPA Australia). 

4. What are the benefits of this programme and how is it different from other programmes? 

This programme gives scholars the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognized professional accounting certification at a leading education institutions in Malaysia while pursuing your career. Furthermore, scholars are compulsory to undergo a Nurture and Develop Programme (NDP) designed to improve the soft skills of each scholar , making them well-equipped in their career. 

5. How long is the programme? Scholars will need to complete all certification papers within maximum 4 years on a part time basis while being employed with any company, subject to number of papers exempted.


1. What type of sponsorship covered by this programme? 

This programme is sponsored in a convertible loan basis where the tuition fees, annual subscription fees, initial registration fees, exam fees and exemption fees will be put under a loan basis. However, scholars are only required to pay only a maximum of 20% from the total of the mentioned fees upon completion of the programme (terms and conditions apply). Further reductions of the payable amount will be subjected to Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (Yayasan Peneraju)’s discretion and the scholar’s performance. 

2. What are the consequences I would face if I breach the contract?

Scholars who withdraw or terminated from the programme are required to pay all costs incurred on behalf of the scholar to Yayasan Peneraju. The amount will be calculated by Yayasan Peneraju up to the point of withdrawal/termination. 

3. If I receive another loan/scholarship, am I still eligible to receive Yayasan Peneraju’s sponsorship? No. Only one sponsorship is allowed at one time. 


 1. Is this programme offered in all states in Malaysia? 

Currently, no. It is dependent on the tuition provider’s locality. At this point, this programme is offered in Klang Valley only. 

2. Which tuition provider offered for this programme? 

You may select your preferred tuition provider when applying for this programme. 

3. Do I need to get the offers from tuition provider before applying for this programme? 

No. Yayasan Peneraju will manage the enrolment of successful candidates in tuition provider.


1. How do I apply for this programme? 

You can apply through Yayasan Peneraju’s website (www.yayasanpeneraju.com.my) when the application opens. 

2. What should I do after applying for this programme? 

You will be contacted by our programme partner, Malaysia Professional Accountancy Centre (MyPAC) to submit the relevant documents. Only candidates that meet the entry requirements and complete the documents will be informed by programme partner (MyPAC) to attend the interview and assessment sessions.

 3. Do I required to apply in tuition provider’s website? 

No. If you already made the application through Yayasan Peneraju’s website, there is no need to apply through tuition provider. 3. What if I am currently taking ACCA/CPA Australia? Can I still apply? No. We only accept applications from applicants who have not started any certification papers. 

4. What if I am currently working? 

Do I need to resign from my current employment if I wish to undertake this programme? No. You do not have to resign from your current employment. In fact, you are required to be employed in order to be accepted into this programme. You must however get consent from your employer to participate in this programme. Classes and other programmes are held during the evening and weekends on a part time basis.


 1. Is there any assessment for the selection?

 A technical test and interview session will be part of the assessment process to select qualified Bumiputera candidates who meet the application requirements for the programme. Besides that, qualified candidates must also go through a Career Development Programme (CDP) for approximately 6-weeks during the weekends as part of the assessment process. 

2. If I pass the assessment, how will I be notified? 

Those who pass the assessment will be notified in the form of email and/or phone call by our programme partner (MyPAC). 


1. Would I be bonded with Yayasan Peneraju after I have finished the programme?

 If so, how many years would the bond be in effect? No. Scholars who have completed the programme will not be bonded by Yayasan Peneraju. However, scholars are required to work in Malaysia, or if outside of Malaysia, scholars are required to work with a Malaysian company (terms and conditions apply).

 2. Am I required to commit to any kind of official contract/agreement?

 Yes. An official offer will be made and scholars are required to enter into a Sponsorship Agreement with Yayasan Peneraju. 

3. Would I be able to reject the offer if I am shortlisted? 

Yes. The agreement is only bonded after it has been signed and delivered